Peggy Warren

The Author

About the Book

It's a Heart Thing

Every city is full of individual stories of passion, delight, and even despair. It’s a Heart Thing chronicles the lives of four Dallas women who are on the precipice of change.

About the Book

Gathering Peace

Gathering Peace is the story of forty-year-old Sam, who quits his job, buys a 36 ft Airstream trailer, sells his house and puts his wife, three children, and a toy poodle into the trailer and sets off across the country in search of a new career idea.

About the Book

Very Much A Woman’s Book

A lifetime of touching and heartfelt verse and drawings, this hardcover book is the perfect gift for a special friend.

About the Book

Revealing Holly

Life is a series of moments, some of them messy. Holly's first messy moment was a dandy at nine years old when she found her alcoholic mother passed out on the kitchen floor. She called 911 and with no family support she landed in a series of foster homes.

About the Book

Revealing Holly

Life is a series of moments, some of them messy. Holly’s first messy moment was a dandy when at nine years old she found her alcoholic mother passed out on the kitchen floor.

A poem from "Very Much A Woman's Book"

Get Your Copy Today! Available in eBook , Paperback and Hardcover version.

What Peggy's Readers Say

About the Author

Peggy Warren is a true believer in the human spirit. "All I have to do is listen, pay attention,” she beams as she talks about creating any one of her art forms that include writing, painting and sculpture. “My work doesn’t come from me, it comes through me,” she adds. "How? you ask. Well, I can’t tell you that, because I don’t know.. All I know is it’s a divine gift that I’m grateful for, as is my best Freddie, who’s with me here."
