Women’s Rights must be prioritized

Compared globally, Women have fewer opportunities than men in every aspect, be it education, basic rights, or career options. Women have always been taken as a minority, and men have dominated them. However, things are starting to change, and women are finding their voices and standing up for their rights. We need more powerful and inspired women in our society so we can end gender inequalities.

We need to inspire more women to step up, and so we have listed the sectors in which justice is never served to women. 

1. Women’s Right

Women have been fighting for their rights since time immemorial. In ancient times, women were treated as property and were not allowed to own land. They were forced to marry at a young age and had no control over their bodies. Even today, women are still being oppressed. There are many laws that discriminate against them.

2. Education

Education is the best way to empower women. Girls should be educated about their rights and given equal opportunities. If they are educated, then they can get jobs and earn money. They can even become doctors and lawyers. An educated woman can speak for herself and make the right decisions in her life. An educated woman also means a more educated population because women are the caretakers of the children.

3. Workforce Participation

The workforce participation rate of women is lower than men. Many women do not work because they want to take care of their children. However, if they did work, they would make more money. They have the talent, and they have the skill, yet they are never allowed to step up for themselves and earn. They can be independent, but their rights are being oppressed.

4. Politics

Politics is a big issue for women. They should vote and run for political positions. They should also join political parties and help elect good leaders. Who decided that only men could run for the elections? If we get into comparing, women have better leadership skills than men.

5. Family Planning

Family planning is very important for women. They should use contraceptives and avoid getting pregnant until they are ready. Contraceptives are safe and effective ways to prevent pregnancy. It should be their choice if they want to give birth or not. Their health should be prioritized. There are many cases where women have died because the pregnancy was too soon and not safe for them.

6. Equality

Equality is something that everyone deserves. Everyone should be treated equally regardless of gender, race, religion, etc. Most of the time, men overpower women. There should be gender equality. Both genders should have equal positions, and gender discrimination should be discouraged.

For proper guidance through beautiful words, you can reach out to Peggy Warren’s book Very Much A Woman’s Book. The author has dedicated her entire book to women’s empowerment. Peggy’s words will encourage you to speak up for your rights. The book is all her personal feelings gathered up in one book, which makes reading this an even more insightful experience.



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